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Ретро Лю (1967)
Це лише шкірка від колишнього ЛЮ.
Він вилиняв, як вуж, і щасливо добрався до Едему.
Його нові твори як звісно під його ж іменем Лазірко Юрій :)
Або просто - Л.Ю. :)

/ Огляди іншомовної поезії


  1. Welcome thought
    Well, well, well. Welcome.
    Before stepping into the swamps of English-written poetry and scratching the surface of intellectual turf wars, let’s find out how many of you are enthusiastic about branching out into the process. I am more interested in the readers and writers who enjoy both contemporary and classic English authors, who might be the lyrics-pathfinder by him(her)self.
    I am that hard-believer who propagates the idea of establishing English as the second language in Ukraine instead of Russian. Just kidding!
    During the time spent here, I was repetitively questioned by my “PM” colleges why should the English-written verses be even published in the predominantly slavic poetical environment? Without hurting anybody’s feelings: to widen the view, to break the amniotic self-incubating mind-sets of traditional rhyme-fanatic clichés, to conceive a plan to save chupacandras.
    I might be wrong about the necessity of having such branch on “PM”. The time will show.
    Share your thoughts about it. Maybe you have your favorite contemporary authors and like to divvy up their wordy worlds with us. Perhaps you’re eager to blast our imagination with the wordy world of your own.
    Anyway, the precious and volatile thoughts are welcome!

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