Автори /
Тамара Ганенко
/ Іншомовні вірші
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Это нежное чувство
Two loves
March, 8
Expectancy of closeness
on the edge
For you...
Expectancy of closeness
Melody pulsates
Expectation Of Spring
To My Mother
Переглянути всі твори з цієї сторінки
Это нежное чувство
Оказалось таким прочным
Оказалось таким прочным
(Answer, 2003)
Once, there were two loves, that met in one heart- Past and Present
Outside, the wind works to blow heat from my wearied worn windows,
my phone prompts me flashing in my hand
my phone prompts me flashing in my hand
Your eyes are stars in the darkness of my passion,
Your smile, produced by so amazingly fulfilled lips,
Your smile, produced by so amazingly fulfilled lips,
You come to me
with your blooming deer brown eyes,
with your blooming deer brown eyes,
A cherry tree is all white under the snow...
I'll never be able to breathe you in enough,
I'll never be able to breathe you in enough,
Your eyes are stars in the darkness of my passion,
Your smile, produced by so amazingly fulfilled lips,
Your smile, produced by so amazingly fulfilled lips,
A sorrow settles in the heart
so quiet...
so quiet...
to John J. Burns
... to my Mom Olga Batyuta